Thursday, January 6, 2011

One month!

Here's one of my favorite pics of her...

I'm going to post quickly because I see the heavy eyelids beginning in the swing and once she's out, I'm going out. Ha. They say to sleep when your baby sleeps - even if you neglect responsibilities.

I found two things that put her to sleep yesterday! Her swing and loud music. Not combined... although I'm sure she'd be dead asleep if I put them together. Yesterday she was crying and I remembered how she always falls right asleep when the music starts at church so I turned on Byron Cage. Like magic, she stopped crying and closed her eyes. :) Must be all those loud practices and services she slept through in the womb.

She's sleeping now so I'll just say. This has been the most painful, exciting, loving, emotional month of my life. I'm glad to be through the first month and on to more rest and fun times. Speaking of rest.... duty calls - I must sleep when she's sleeping. Maybe I'll post a little more later today.


  1. Total stranger here, popping by from Dayle's blog. My "babies" are 20- and 24-year-old men now, but I remember the early days. I imagine you will have some tough, discouraging moments here and there (as I did), but I can assure you that while "tough" is temporary, "joy" is for always.

    Blessings on you and your little sweetheart!

  2. What a darling baby picture. I hopped over from Dayle's blog too. Go get your rest dear Mommy, sweet dreams.

  3. Every picture makes me want to kiss her! So precious! I'm so glad you can share every moment with her, and sounds like the music is doing the trick.

  4. My sugar baby!! (I will email you some pics I took of her yesterday. Adorable!)

  5. Thats my is already in her blood!!

  6. Motherhood is one of life's best miracles.
    Enjoy the journey!

  7. I never sleep while Jaquelyn sleeps. I didn't when I was nursing either. Maybe that's the reason for the permanant dark circles under my
