You are supposed to let them sit in the bag overnight. However, I was a little impatient. They taste awesome right now. :-) I also subbed olive oil for canola oil. AND I halved the original recipe which called for 1 1/2 cup of canola oil, 2 bags of ranch seasoning, 5 tsp of red pepper flakes, and a whole box of saltines. TASTY!
Anyway, I have a music blog which I never write in, but I decided to just write some music thoughts here ... since I'm blogging here for now. I was putting together my set list for this weekend a couple days ago and have been thinking on some things since then. There's always a giant controversy about the old songs vs. the new songs. We all probably know the story. As a music director I hear all kinds of feedback... positive and negative. Regardless of the feedback, I love to put songs together that have the same message. For instance... "Not to us, but to Your name be the glory..." and "Glory to His name, glory to His name, there to my heart was the blood applied, glory to His name." Which made me think, what difference does it really make that the beat is a little different? When God's presence falls in a service, you won't find me sitting back and taking it easy. I can appreciate ANY Christian music that has a powerful message. Anyway, I have enough to fill up a book on that subject. Just MY opinion. :-)